Real-Time Distribution Case Study, Week 15: Etch A Sketch
Annie Lundgren
my brain is full
and blank
a pinging, dinging, empty canvas
learnings crash through
writing and erasing
with each relentless pass
etch a sketch knobs in free spin
red walls shaking
road stripes and trees blur by
days fill with smiles, laughter,
hugs and fist-bumps,
marquees, flashing lights and photo ops
waves of relief and hope
fight an underlying tension of
responsibility and mini-mistakes
and always
a constant drive
towards improvement
i can’t decide what it will take
for me to be satisfied
i am grateful for each success
and then the responsibility
settles and sinks,
knocks, and tucks me in
we owe it
to the cast, crew, investors, team,
friends and family
to make the right choices
to be wise and smart
to launch the film into the world
to choose wisely:
when to leverage underdog status
and when to bring in help
yet we are still learning
what we do not know
how do you learn
and stay grounded?
analyze and improve
while having fun?
expandand open to possibility
without becoming overwhelmed?
fix mistakes
without complaining
without negativity
enjoy success, allow joy
and not ignore pitfalls
i’m thankful for screenings night afer night
each another chance to learn
My credit card reader & merch table just about sums up the chaos & steady progress.
night 1 — order the credit card reader, but keep it in the box
night 2 — open the box, forget to charge the reader
night 3 — charge & prep the reader. t-shirts don’t arrive
tonight — tbd — shirts are here, reader seems to be working!
This week, we are in Portland. Last night, we screened for an appreciative audience of almost 200 at the beautiful Hollywood Theatre.
After the screening, we got locked out of our condo and had to call a locksmith. Oops! Today we slept in and had restful, rainy walks around the Belmont neighborhood.
We have three more nights in Portland at the Clinton, Cinema 21, and NW Film Center. Jesse Borrego is here with us, and has had several interviews on radio & TV.
Box office: we finished the first week in Klamath Falls 2nd only to Avengers. In our 2nd weekend, we still beat The Long Shot, but numbers are falling off. A 3rd week is TBD.
Tour vehicle: After days of indecision and heartache, I let go of the 1979 Argosy bus. It felt too risky and old for our 10K mile adventure. We are now looking for a newer, mid-size Airstream trailer which we still plan to wrap.
Now we are off to dinner and the next screening!
♡ Annie