Real-Time Distribution Case Study, Week 17: Trunk Tetris
Annie Lundgren
As I sat down to blog today (or nap rather), my daughter swung her legs over mine, enlisted her iPad and delivered this missive.

I managed to pry myself away from the computer for a few minutes to play.
working from home…
the family business
we are always available
and always unavailable
Our thirteen year old traveler is optimistically skeptical and still not sure she can trust her parents. Will this be a bonding, family vacation? Or just another boring excuse to take meetings, cradle laptops, and drone on endlessly with adult colleagues?
In reality, it will be some of both.
Gary and I are trying to coat-check our work-work-work tendencies. Flannery is creating projects and goals to shape her own adventure.
As a kid, family vacations always got better once we left the driveway. I dreaded the days leading up to our escape, when stress rained down in packing lists, trunk tetris, and don’t-forgets.
my little body waited
for the slam of the car doors
to signal our exit
sealed outside
the stress hung thick and angry
banging at the windows and roof
tentacles clamoring
to summon us home
but no
my parents’ shoulders relaxed
the car sighed
and we were off
on an adventure
We leave in two weeks. In addition to prepping the marketing for the first two weeks of screenings, we are mired in the logistics of getting out the door.
I am so excited. The adventure is sneaking up on me and filling me tip to toes.
Yet there is still so much to do before we leave.
I can’t help dreaming of our exit, the door slam, and taking that collective sigh.
♡ Annie