Real-Time Distribution Case Study, Week 56: Three Weeks to Go
Annie Lundgren
Monday. A new week, and the weeks keep flying by. A little over three weeks out…
Today was a day of reassesssment. Are we doing the right things? Where are we behind? Where do we need to kick it into a higher gear?
I feel nervous. I don’t want to repeat mistakes. I don’t want to let myself or others down.
The reality is that I still might. There are always unknowns.
The best we can do is look at any holes head on. Not try to hide or ignore, but ask the hard questions: What are we missing? What can we do better? And take action. And also ask: What are we doing well? How can those things be amplified?
The press process is still unfolding. As I understand it, in-the-moment PR is how some of the bigger press works which means most of the press won’t come out until the week before or the week of the release. Media outlets have been contacted and the foundation has been set, but press bookings won’t start happening for at least another week.
It is nerve-wracking to spend months planning and then wait and see if the efforts worked. At a certain point, the audience, critics and word-of-mouth is out of our control.
One solace is that everything that happens in the next few weeks is learnings and foundation for three more months of promotion leading up to the digital release in June. There is still time.
We are making travel plans for the Los Angeles screenings — deciding which of the team will be doing Q&As. It helps to think of these four LA screenings like the tour. If only we had that beautiful wrapped RV! We didn’t hit LA on the summer tour, so it will be great to catch up with LA friends. We will head down there a few days before for press, then do Q&As at all of the theaters over the weekend, and then spend a couple days enjoying LA with Flannery since it is her spring break.
Crossing fingers and working away!
♡ Annie
Photo by Daniil Vnoutchkov on Unsplash