First International Sales Updates
Annie Lundgren
Today we received an update on international sales. As with everything related to the release, international sales have been delayed a few months. Our sales rep was just getting traction at markets in February and March when things shut down.
So far, we have 4 sales confirmed including an airline sale and 4 pending.
Even though our initial plans showed more sales by June, I was actually pleased to hear this update today since the last I heard, we only had 1 confirmed sale (to Australia.) The entire industry is just barely starting to regroup.
In some ways, these delays could be good for an indie film: the life of the film is extended past the 1–3 month cycle a small indie is usually allotted if lucky. Since the industry is coming online slowly one piece at a time, our opportunity window is extended, and it feels like we will be able to continue marketing the film into the fall.
They say that someone has to hear about a product 7–10 times before making a purchase decision (under normal marketing conditions). Phoenix, Oregon has technically been in the release cycle for over a year — since its April 2019 premiere at the Ashland Independent Film Festival, our summer national tour, the theatrical-at-home streaming, and the current digital release. Hopefully this unusually lengthy time in the press cycles will be beneficial over the long term.
♡ Annie