Moving, Adding Theaters & the Hollywood

Annie Lundgren
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Big day today on the home front.

Moved my parents out of their home into temporary housing while they wait for their new home to close. They are moving an hour closer to us and their doctors.

It was a long day but so thankful for lifelong friends who helped them…

Now we will all go back to hunkering down and isolating. Such a strange time to move.


On the film front, I put out emails to many of the theaters from the summer tour offering to add them to the Phoenix, Oregon theatrical-at-home program for the next month. In Week 3, we’ll have over 30 theaters participating, although we may drop some of our Week 1 theaters who aren’t fully engaged.

My goal is to signup 100 theaters… It would very loosely resemble an indie platform release, although sales will be less predictable and more reliant on theater promotion.

To really help these theaters, we may want to consider adding additional films to the platform. There are certainly other distributors offering a slate of films, so maybe they are getting enough benefit with those offerings. We may test it with 1–2 films to see if it makes an impact and would work. I don’t want to lose focus from Phoenix, but maybe it would benefit both theaters and us.


Tomorrow, we’ll keep leaning into adding & supporting theaters.

On Friday, we get to do a virtual screening with the Hollywood Theatre who supported two of our screenings in Portland last summer. Stay tuned for more info on that.

♡ Annie


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