Except that I’m done. And ready to move on. “Hey COVID, listen up! This is your 5 minute warning. Your ride is almost over.”
Or maybe it’s the feeling of mounting desperation of a world without paychecks.
Or because my work frenzy took a breather. A lull before the storm.
Or because I want order, structure and the visual of a pattern that makes sense. With snacks at the saddle to encourage me over the next ridge, a 360 summit to provide meaning, and a hard-earned, lungs-filled, breezy descent to ground my wild thoughts.
What a gift to have been busy. And distracted.
Now I wait.
What’s next? For the film, our company, myself?
Time to scoop up the learnings from this month, the tour, the last two years.
Mix them up, let them sit overnight (or for a week) and rise.