Real-Time Case Study. Real-Time Learning

Annie Lundgren
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Today I spent much of the day catching up on accounting (again) and making the final payments to all of the theaters for Phoenix, OregonTheatrical-at-Home now that we have moved to digital. I don’t have an efficient system for making payments. All of the data is readily available in partner reports, but it currently takes a lot of time to run a reports and write (or use online bill pay) for each partner.

There are a few programs that I am considering for streamlining the payment process, but they are a bit more than I’d like to spend until our monthly income proves itself.

We are considering launching a new partner program for Phoenix, Oregon which is more automated and includes a broader range of partners. The trick here will be to invite a larger number of partners but still focus on a few key partners who have customer loyalty and reach. We found that about 15% of the partners brought in 50–60% of the revenue.

Ok, wait. Real-time learning. The above paragraph makes no sense.

Our whole purpose and strategy has been to niche down, to focus on a few partners and to give them a great experience with our platform, transparency, service and support — especially during this challenging time.

It’s ok to grow and scale, but a business built on relationships and a commitment to care and support must be built slowly. I can not have both large scale partnerships and a “few focused partners”. That feels like I’m using the few to support the many — while allowing the many to distract me away from supporting and empowering the few.

We’ve already done this three times. Successfully. All we need to do is replicate what we already did. Focus in, not out. Remember our why. Connect, support, facilitate.

Ok, good talk.

At the very least, these blog lessons are helpful for me! Real-time. Case study.

♡ Annie


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