against a wall which resists the head up a mountain which sends back the rock through impenetrable steel which denies the hammer
an invitation is offered to step back go around
yet the voices resume - figure it out reclaim the hammer
but no put down the tools no more figuring, banging
let go give in
the currents take me i’ve made it to the atlantic the waters are warm, enticing yet dangerous in their beauty one moment cradling, enveloping the next slamming into biting sand
audiences start to ask what we’ve learned but i’m not ready for that question
the waves still pound me turning, shaping, smoothing
words escape me cannot confine me, contain me do not know me
we float from city to city stamping out time
if only to stop and gently ride those winds imagining the other side
or not
fine if you don’t want my help, dissolve yourself, wall
♡ Annie
Photo credit: Flannery Lundgren, Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC (more photos)