Real-Time Distribution Case Study, Week 29: Gratitude

Annie Lundgren
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It’s getting harder to reflect on ambitions, goals and distribution as I take in these last few days of the Phoenix, Oregon movie tour. None of us are quite ready to return home.

Life on the road is so simple.

It took 10,000 miles of shaking, but I’ve finally surrendered to the chaos and the unknown, even when faced with flat tires, wrong turns, and hard to find campsites.

In the mornings, we rarely have a plan (or a campsite) except to show up for the screening at 7pm. At first this was stressful, but now it feels free and easy.

Finding the balance in what needs to be planned and what needs to be felt is tricky. The more I need control, the harder it is to let go and allow happiness.

Some parts of me would like to control every piece of this distribution process — to dictate and demand the distribution deals, partners, and box office success I yearn for.

But the more I relax, the better it seems the audiences respond.

We still have big plans, but I am trying to let them evolve and not hold on so hard to my preconceived notions of success.

For sometimes success is just showing up.

Like Bobby — sealing the envelope & putting the manuscript in the mailbox is the victory.

Results are important, but less important than I thought.

The best theaters understood this.

They created cultures of thankfulness, joy and gratitude.


When I started this summer, I hoped for momentum, buzz and distribution partners clamoring to join us. But my biggest reward (and surprise) has been meeting the audiences and the venues.

When curator, audience and artist meet together to share & appreciate art, there is beauty, love, and community.

With gratitude being the key ingredient.

I have been humbled in my pursuit of “success”. I have so much to be grateful for and don’t think I can ever complain again. I am out on the road, with still a week to go, exploring, meeting new friends and sharing art.

I am exceedingly grateful to all who have followed our journey, to new friends we have met along the way, and to my travel companions who put up with me and love me daily.

Next week, I will be home, and I will recap learnings, goals and final tour numbers!

♡ Annie

Photo: Snoqualmie Falls, Washington


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