Real-Time Distribution Case Study, Week 49: Summary
Annie LundgrenThe first full week of the New Year is over, and we are slowly getting our legs under us.
Theatrical starts in ten weeks, digital in six months. They both feel fast!
Like I usually coach myself before a big project: “In six months, it will all be over…”
I mean this in the most positive, helpful way possible. Putting a finite cap on a project decreases my anxiety, gives structure, and helps me relax into the work, knowing that at the end, I will have results. A bit like visualizing an intended outcome, I suppose.
I love film so much: finite projects, creative people, always challenging, rarely boring.
Observations from this week
I am gobsmacked and so thankful for our team and distribution partners. Even while I was out for two days with my dad, the work carried on. This is mind-boggling, since in the past, my tendency was to try to do everything myself (with limited success). One of my major goals over the last two years has been to invite collaboration and learn how to hand off tasks. Experiencing how it feels to have our resources leveraged encourages me to keep pursuing this path and add additional team members over the next year.
Tasks from the first week of the year
*Most not done by me!
- restart social media (we’d been hibernating since the end of the tour)
- draft and submit press release to trades
- continue theatrical bookings
- interview and hire social media manager
- submit revised promotional materials and trailer to MPAA (ratings organization)
- reconnect with national partners on promotions scheduled for Feb-June
- continue finalizing deliverables (masters, artwork, foreign trailer, website updates)
Next week, we’ll dive into direct outreach to each of the opening-weekend markets.
♡ Annie