Signing Off with Thanks

Annie Lundgren
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What a year. A full twelve, arduous months of pivots, exhaustion, tragedy, angst, joy, love and gratitudes.

Forcing us into resilience, compassion, and an acknowledgement of our extreme need for one another.

In the midst of the chaos and unreliability of business roll-coasters, unemployment, disease, and wildfires, on days I’ve wanted to explode, the only constant, grounding stability has been love, family, friends and community.

And maybe that’s all there ever is or has been. The rest is an illusion.

It’s the final day of 2020 and the final day of my 365 day blogging challenge. I did it. I can’t quite believe it’s over. I remember the utter panic the day I committed. It felt like today would be forever.

I’ve been doing “challenges” for almost three years now. I love the wrapper of a challenge. It allows novelty, structure, and excitement for something that otherwise might seem boring.

For 2021, I’ll be doing 30 ten-day challenges, not necessarily consecutively. And most likely not publicly. I want to experiment with different categories of tasks and disciplines to see what it might take to make lasting impact and change in certain areas of my life.

As it did when I started the 30-week challenges and the 365 daily challenge, this new structure feels exciting, inspiring and hopeful.

Thank you for following along on my journey this year. I wish upon you blessings of love and hope and courage as we enter this new year. Together.

Signing off with thanks. And with love.

♡ Annie


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