Theatrical-at-Home Logistics, Pt. 4

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Lots of press for Phoenix, Oregon today and also more news of mini and major studios reaching out to theaters to release in partnership. This is great news for everyone.

It’s the only way we’ll get through — by helping each other.

I haven’t had much sleep in the last few days and am blurry-eyed.

Streaming is tricky. Some day, I will detail it all. But briefly:

  • Security
  • User login & ease-of-use
  • Video buffering & speed
  • Multi-device viewing: phone, tablet, desktop, TV
  • Automated & seemless customer communication

Most of the plug-and-play services are either extraordinarily expensive on one end, or just plain don’t scale on the other end. I’ve used several third party software products to make it work.

Asking my mom to see if she could figure out the player. (Test video from Yellowstone.)

Tomorrow, we launch at 12:15 PM PT — a highly appropriate “matinee time” — when all else these days is so highly irregular.

Let’s do this…

♡ Annie


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