Bowl-to-Win Cash and Movie Prizes
Annie Lundgren
All you bowlers out there! Get out to the lanes and enter our Bowl-to-Win bowling contest in partnership with XBowling.

The contest will run from February through June, and all contest participants will receive a free digital download of the movie, Phoenix, Oregon, once available in June.
Each week, new contests will be offered, and prizes include cash, t-shirts, movie tickets, posters and bowling gear. The top three bowling centers meeting criteria such as the most participants or the most winners will also receive gifts.
I’ve been working with XBowling for a few months to design this promotion, and we have just started testing over the last week.
The current available contests are a Gland Slam bracket with ten winners splitting a prize pool of $2,000 and a Make Your Mark contest matching a strike pattern.

To access the contest and receive a free copy of the film, register to play at and then select the Phoenix, Oregon Grand Slam or Make Your Mark contest. Scroll down to select your center and your date of play. Then bowl! If you win, submit your scores to XBowling per their instructions, terms and rules.
I’ll be testing this in the coming week to attempt my own win!
Please let me know if you try it out or if you run into any issues. I’ll provide updates on our progress, stats, revisions, and marketing for this contest over the next months.
♡ Annie