Packaging the Promotional Materials, Pt. 2

Annie Lundgren
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I was home with a sick kiddo today, so t-shirt inventory didn’t get done. We did do a partial packing test. The real boxes arrive tomorrow along with the rest of the coasters.

Today we finished minor packing details and graphics (instructions for venues, free movie ticket passes, and gift box labels.) Tuesday will be the mega-packing, labeling, shipping day.

Once I get this shipping done, I will refocus to help the rest of the team with our other campaigns — the bowling contest, the soon to be rolled out #myphoenixstory campaign, and a “perfect game” campaign (the 1st 300 people to buy tickets in each theater receive a complementary digital download of Phoenix, Oregon.)

Crossing my fingers that tomorrow I’ll be sharing a photo of stacks and stacks of boxes!

♡ Annie


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