Packaging the Promotional Materials, Pt. 3
Annie Lundgren
Well… life and shipments don’t always cooperate. I do have a stack of boxes. This is what coasters for 60 businesses looks like, but our packaging shipment was delayed.
It’s just as well, because Flannery and I have been holed up all day nursing the flu.
So there will have to be a Part 4. Tomorrow will be the day to snap the photo of the stacks and stacks of boxes going out the door — and out of our living room!
In the meantime, the theaters are getting excited about the extra attention we are providing their communities.
Here is a note today from one of our theater owners (names removed):
This is great! We have a mexican restaurant that is walking distance that would probably promote. Also, we have a pizza place, right beside us, that would promote as well. We are excited about the movie! We have the trailers with all of our features, postcards, standee….we have a lot of interest. Thank you so much. Let me know if I can do anything else for you!
And then a follow-up a few minutes later:
The mexican restaurant will do the contest and coasters. The pizza place will do the contest, but they don’t need the coasters. Have the other venues you mentioned received the materials? I’ll put in a plug on our FB page for folks to be sure to visit these establishments and enter the contest.
As we were hoping, the smaller communities appreciate the marketing opportunities and attention they wouldn’t necessarily get from the bigger studio films. Thanks to our booker, Ryan, for building the relationships with these theaters.
♡ Annie