Real-Time Distribution Case Study, Week 54: Summary

Annie Lundgren
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James Le Gros, in “Phoenix, Oregon”

We are about five weeks out from the March 20 theatrical release of Phoenix, Oregon and four months out from the digital release in June.

Today a quick recap of distribution tasks.

Last week the team:

  • finished domestic masters and delivered to the distributor for upload to digital platforms (iTunes, etc)
  • finished foreign M&E (music and effects tracks)
  • designed and sourced promotional materials for partners
  • started testing a national bowling contest to run Feb-June
  • kicked off social media
  • reached out to critics, press, podcasts, and TV to pitch the film for stories

This week, we will:

  • refine the bowling contest for promotions to start next week
  • ship promotional materials to partners in each theatrical market
  • complete closed captioning for the video masters
  • send exhibition copy (DCP) to fulfillment house for theatrical release
  • confirm all opening markets — we have added San Antonio for March 20
  • start booking expansion markets for March 27 and April 3
  • continue outreach and event planning for March 20
  • ramp up campaigns for the digital release in June

Lots to do and things are moving along well. The larger team is taking the lead on most of the above, so for my part, I am just trying to stay focused on the most important tasks first and the ways in which I can provide the most impact.

♡ Annie


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