Redesigning & Preparing for Conversion Tracking

Annie Lundgren
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Today I worked on redesigning the streaming platform for Phoenix, Oregon to better match standard digital sites and also to prepare for direct ad tracking.

We’ll be running an ad starting this week through the Oregonian Cares matching grant program for COVID-affected businesses. By pointing the ad to our site, we’ll be able to track direct conversions, make adjustments and do A/B testing. We’ll also be able to track click-throughs to other platforms.

For this sales period (over the next few weeks), we are selling direct to customers without partnership from organziations. I’m curious to see the difference. The partnerships created a significant amount of marketing leverage and ability to access audiences who like the film. Without these partners, we are relying on reaching audiences directly without anyone to prepare them. From past experience, it’s a lot harder to sale in this way — it’s like making cold calls instead of sharing a product with someone who is already ready and welcoming.

Most likely, it will emphasize again how important relationships are for independent filmmakers and enforce new models of leveraged marketing for indie film.

More soon on marketing, direct digital sales and future partnerships as we start to get data from the first few weeks of digital sales.

♡ Annie


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