Thank you to our Theaters, Festivals & Fans

Annie Lundgren
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Today marked the final day of theatrical-at-home for Phoenix, Oregon before digital pre-orders go on sale. The weeks went fast but feel like a millenium.

I feel lucky to have had something positive to focus on these last two months. I’ve worked with an exceptional team and partners. We’ve made a difference and had an impact during this crazy time of COVID, even if in small ways. Focusing on helping others has kept me sane, I’m pretty sure. There is so much anxiety, fear and division in the news and on social media. But when I’m working to support the theaters, festivals and restaurants, when I get on a call with filmmakers and innovators, I only feel hope, collaboration and connection. I wish that for everyone right now — some way to be creative, to participate in community and to give back. To make small differences.

Our team is incredibly grateful to all the partners and customers who took a chance on us and screened and watched our film during this time.

Thank you,

♡ Annie


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